Thursday, December 4, 2008

Recent Movies

Hello world... I just saw a few movies and thought I'd give you the official Lima review of each...

I saw a number of cartoon and animated movies recent, due mainly to my children (of course), but I won't bore you with the details of the crazy adventures found at Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.

I DID just see, however, Madagascar II and it was pretty decent. It felt like a continuation of the 1st movie, which I guess is the point of a sequel... It had some funny parts and the general story was pretty good. I'm not sure I was 100% down with the old lady beating the crap out of Alex the lion (Alex, THE Alex) since I was with my kids. I mean, she was no joke and beat the beJesus out of Alex. By the way, man, have we not come full circle with kid's cartoons? When I grew up it was Tom & Jerry and Bugs Bunny beating the Marty McSorely out of each other and then in the 80's and 90's it was "bad" to show kids all that violence... and yet I can turn on Law & Order SVU at any hour of the day and watch an in-depth discussion of some pretty nasty subject matter.

Anyway, I'll give Madagascar II 3.5 out of 5 stars.

I recently watched two movies that I rented from Blockbuster Online...

One was "Deja-Vu" with Denzell Washington. Pretty good movie. I thought the plot was "ok" but once you realize that the machine is actually a time machine it gets a little goofy. Plus, I'm not sure how two Denzell Washington's in the same timeline didn't explode the universe. Isn't that what is supposed to happen? Every girl I meet tells me that the universe can't handle two-Steve Lima's, so why two Denzell's? Anyway... pretty entertaining movie. 3 out of 5 stars.

I also saw Harrison Ford in "Firewall". Yes, as in computer firewall. How come Harrison Ford has a younger wife in each successive movie? I think he's dating Miley Cyrus in his next flick. Good movie until the stupid fight scene at the end. People, Harrison is playing a computer geek systems Vice President at a bank, he can't take 30 punches to the gut from a professional thug. I mean I could probably take 12 or 13, but 30? Seriously. Also, the movie is kinda strange in that it has some fairly serious and creepy siutuations, but then they try to add in some random humor which doesn't quite work. Good movie until the goofy ending. 4 out of 5.

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